Writing Wednesday... What are your goals?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
When writing, sometimes it seems like some of the tasks that come with it are endless. Whether you're writing a chapter, fixing grammatical errors, or doing line edits, sometimes all of the writing tasks you're trying to do builds up. Suddenly, before you know it, you're overwhelmed.

Here's a little tip on how I deal with that..

I write down every writing goal I have for the week on a blank sheet of paper and go from there. Monday's I do line edits. Tuesday I work on the chapters and so on and so forth...

If you make a goal sheet and take it one day at a time it helps tremendously, trust me. Then, at the end of the week, you'll be surprised with how much you can actually accomplish.



  1. Anonymous said...:

    I put my goals into my day planner. This way I make sure I'm at least working toward them even if it's just taking steps to accomplishing a long-term goal.

  1. Wow, are you organized, or what?! My goals are etched in my head and pop up every morning when I wake.

  1. Sarah said...:

    That sounds so organized! It is true that I have goals for each day, but I'm not usually on top of it enough to map the week out. Between my big general goals and my specific daily goals, I usually get enough done.

  1. Katrina said...:

    I write my goals on a dry erase board. My goal for this year is to get my NaNo novel revised and published.

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