A Week In Reflection...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday is usually the day of the week where I like to take a second and look back at my week, refecting on what I accomplished thus far.

When writing, I know sometimes it may seem like you are never going to get to where you need to be. But if you take a second, once a week, you might surprise yourself.

This week, I edited and rewrote portions of a screenplay, started a new novel, changed my blog around, and started re-writes on my ya romance/thriller.

At the time, it didn't seem like I was doing that much but after reflecting back, yeah, I'd say I accomplished a lot this week.

Also.... In the next few weeks, I have another very exciting announcement! So stay tuned!

How about you guys?

What did your week have in store for you?

Enjoy the weekend!



  1. Anonymous said...:

    My week is ending on a great note because I got to share my picture book cover and trailer! Very exciting.

    I'm looking forward to your announcement!

  1. Sounds like you did get a lot done! This last week I recovered from jetlag (went to China). I took my son to get all 4 wisdom teeth out (Ouch!) and play nurse. During this, I edited about 60 pages of my Nano novel. I unpacked us and washed loads of clothes.
    Next week, I start teaching again--a Monday class--I'll be teaching a segment on ancient Greece and the comedies of Aristophanes. I'll also be trying to edit the rest of the 198 pg Nano mss and write more material for it. Phew!

  1. Sarah said...:

    Hmmmm.... I got a bunch of work done on my rewrites during the first half of the week. Then, in the second half, I started recital dances for all my classes. Now I think I'll just lay down and dissolve. Sounds like a plan.

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