So, for me, 2011 is going to be a pretty big year.. I have two more books coming out in the Spring and in the Summer of 2011.(The Truth About Delilah-Spring) (A Sucker For Love)Love Sucks Sequel- Summer
I'll be doing some traveling, making appearances at some book conventions and literary festivals.
And last but not least,I'll be adding another job to my resume...
Literary Agent...
Stayed tuned in the next couple weeks. This blog will be changing. It won't just be my author's blog. It will be combined. So, in the next few weeks, I'll be adding a submissions page with what I'm looking for and where you can query me..
(also what to include in your query)
I'm very excited that I could share this great news with you!
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year!
The insane ramblings of Lauren Hammond, a YA book author and literary agent.
What's On Your Bookshelf?
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7:32 AM
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I'm proud to say that my bookself is overflowing with plenty of fantastic reads. Just yesterday, I added another book to that bookshelf.. Jane by April Lindner.
It's amazing to me, how evertime I walk into a bookstore, I feel like a toddler at Toy's R Us.
Which unfortunately empty's my bank account because unlike me, toddler's have their parents buying toy's for them.
Regardless of any of that, nothing thrills me more than adding a worthy read to my constantly growing TBR pile. So what I really want to know is: What's on you're bookself? What books have you picked up lately that you're super excited about?
P.S I have an exciting announcement so stay tuned in the next week for details!
Quote Of The Week!
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6:55 AM
Monday, December 27, 2010

Sadly, Christmas is over :(... I always hate when the holiday's come to an end...
And honestly, I have to say that most of my Christmas money went toward one thing, books....
Yesterday I picked up, The Hollow by Jessica Verday, My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent, I ordered Beastly, and picked up the book that houses this week's BQOTW,
The Forest Of Hands And Teeth by: Carrie Ryan.
I'm a big fan of anything that has to do with the undead, so I knew this would be a book I adored. So far I'm on page 30 and it hasn't disappointed me yet.
"I want to sleep, I want dreams to pull me from this world and make me forget. To stop the memories from swirling around me. To put an end to this ache that consumes me." ~ Carrie Ryan~ The Forest Of Hands And Teeth.
Go pick up this book! I promise you, you won't regret it!
2011.. The Future Of The Publishing Industry..
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7:29 AM
Thursday, December 23, 2010
As we approach the new year a question that seems to be circling the world is: What is the cards for the publishing world in 2011?
Many people seem to think that in only a year or two, publishing will be all digital.
Ebooks,(digital books) either read on the computer or on your ebook reader,(kindle, sony, kobo, ipad)seem to be the hottest trend since the release of the DVD.(and even that has been topped with blue rays)
So what does that mean for the publishing industry? Does that mean that soon, we'll all be resorting to curling up on the couch with our kindles? And when we walk into our local bookstores, what will the bookshelves be replaced with? Computers where we plug in our ereaders and download the book instead of picking it up off the shelf?
Although, I'm all for the ereader. Not only because it saves paper, but because it keeps my bookshelves from overflowing.
But.... Call me old-fashioned, there is nothing I love more than a good paperback in my hands. The way a new book smells when you open it and flip through the numerous pages, is something I don't think I'll ever be able to part with.
Despite everything, technology is evolving. Now we have the ebook but who knows what the future will hold. I like to think that we'll still be able to keep both..
Alot of publishers are taking up the concept of printing their books responsibly.(my publisher included)That's where the books are printed on recylced paper.
So what's what your opinion? What do you think is in store for us in 2011 as far as the publishing industry goes?
Happy Holidays!
Many people seem to think that in only a year or two, publishing will be all digital.
Ebooks,(digital books) either read on the computer or on your ebook reader,(kindle, sony, kobo, ipad)seem to be the hottest trend since the release of the DVD.(and even that has been topped with blue rays)
So what does that mean for the publishing industry? Does that mean that soon, we'll all be resorting to curling up on the couch with our kindles? And when we walk into our local bookstores, what will the bookshelves be replaced with? Computers where we plug in our ereaders and download the book instead of picking it up off the shelf?
Although, I'm all for the ereader. Not only because it saves paper, but because it keeps my bookshelves from overflowing.
But.... Call me old-fashioned, there is nothing I love more than a good paperback in my hands. The way a new book smells when you open it and flip through the numerous pages, is something I don't think I'll ever be able to part with.
Despite everything, technology is evolving. Now we have the ebook but who knows what the future will hold. I like to think that we'll still be able to keep both..
Alot of publishers are taking up the concept of printing their books responsibly.(my publisher included)That's where the books are printed on recylced paper.
So what's what your opinion? What do you think is in store for us in 2011 as far as the publishing industry goes?
Happy Holidays!
Book Of The Week...
Posted by
6:51 AM
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Wednesday writers! Once a week I venture into my deep TBR pile and post a book of the week... A book that in the future I am looking forward to reading.. With so many great books out there(and me, having so little time,) at times, it seems as if my TBR pile is never ending. Every week I find a new book to add to that list so, without further ado.....
This week's book of the week is: Wither by: Lauren Destefano. Is it just me or does this fantastic cover make you want to read the book even more?
Wither is a dystopian novel, set in the future where the human population, due to some genetic disorder, dies off at a young age. Men at age 25. Females at age 20.
I didn't even need any recommendations for this one. After viewing the cover, and reading some of the reviews, I knew that Wither just had to be a part of my TBR pile.
And to make this even more exciting: Wither is a part of a trilogy known as the Chemical Garden Series.
This book is to be released in March of 2011 and I can't wait to get my hands on it!
Happy Holidays! Cheers!
It's a Holly Jolly Christmas..
Posted by
6:54 AM
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

(My sister sent me this yesterday.. It said Merry Christmas.. Doesn't she look festive in her casts?)
Ahh, Christmas, tis the season of cheer and the season of giving.. For me, the Christmas season is my favorite time of the year. A time where you can unwind, spend some much needed time with your family, and curl up next to the fire with a good book.
At some point, I plan on shying away from technology and drowning myself in literary land. I have about 30 books on my TBR list that need some attention. So what I really want to know is what books you plan on reading this holiday season, if any at all.
Also, if you missed yesterday's post head on over to book buzzr and you can read the first five pages of Love Sucks or bid on the ebook. I'm giving away three copies!
Happy Holidays!
Love Sucks and QOTW!!!
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8:49 AM
Monday, December 20, 2010
So thanks to Yalitchat's L.M Preston, I was super excited to discover bookbuzzr.. If you get a chance head on over there and check out my book Love Sucks. You can read book reviews, interviews, radio interviews and even bid on three ebook copies!
Also on the agenda for today, is the dun.. dun.. dun... The Book Quote Of The Week!
This week's BQOTW week comes from one of my most favortie books of all time... I saw the movie first and used to pretend the oak tree in my front yard was Ashley Wilkes.. The kids in my fourth grade class thought I was crazy! How many ten year olds have lines from Gone With The Wind memorized?
That's why this quote is one here this week.. Because it's fabulous! And it's one of my favorites!
No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how." ~Margaret Mitchell~ Gone With The Wind~
Also on the agenda for today, is the dun.. dun.. dun... The Book Quote Of The Week!
This week's BQOTW week comes from one of my most favortie books of all time... I saw the movie first and used to pretend the oak tree in my front yard was Ashley Wilkes.. The kids in my fourth grade class thought I was crazy! How many ten year olds have lines from Gone With The Wind memorized?
That's why this quote is one here this week.. Because it's fabulous! And it's one of my favorites!
No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. That's what's wrong with you. You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how." ~Margaret Mitchell~ Gone With The Wind~
A Light Bulb Went Off In My Head..
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6:27 AM
Friday, December 17, 2010
I don't know about you guys, but I get the best ideas for novels when I'm dreaming. I even resort to sleeping with a notebook next to my bed in case I come up with something really good and I don't want to forget it when I wake up.
I had another one of those dreams last night.. So what did I do? You know the drill, I woke up this morning and wrote it down. And I don't want to spill the beans too much but I'll give you a hint.. It's a historical YA novel, set in 19th century England.
While I'm working on it, I'll leave you with a litte quote from it. More like a teaser for you to think about over the weekend.
" The papers called him The Ripper." ~ Lauren Hammond~ White Chapel
I had another one of those dreams last night.. So what did I do? You know the drill, I woke up this morning and wrote it down. And I don't want to spill the beans too much but I'll give you a hint.. It's a historical YA novel, set in 19th century England.
While I'm working on it, I'll leave you with a litte quote from it. More like a teaser for you to think about over the weekend.
" The papers called him The Ripper." ~ Lauren Hammond~ White Chapel
Authors Everywhere!
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6:16 AM
Thursday, December 16, 2010
When you are an author, your book is your baby. You spend time with it, love it, nurture it, and raise it until it reaches it's full potential.
That's why you need to be certain that your readers are going to love it just as much as you do..
*News for self-published authors and author's everywhere! Punkin books has opened a bookstore where your ebooks can be sold or printed books if they are printed responsibly. Punkin House is a green publishing company, focusing on giving the world fascinating books along with making the world a better place to live.
So for self published authors or authors who published with small presses you can now place your books in punkin books bookstore on consignment.
Check it out if you get a chance!
That's why you need to be certain that your readers are going to love it just as much as you do..
*News for self-published authors and author's everywhere! Punkin books has opened a bookstore where your ebooks can be sold or printed books if they are printed responsibly. Punkin House is a green publishing company, focusing on giving the world fascinating books along with making the world a better place to live.
So for self published authors or authors who published with small presses you can now place your books in punkin books bookstore on consignment.
Check it out if you get a chance!
Take A Break And Write About It..
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7:51 AM
Monday, December 13, 2010
Have ever felt like you're never going to get there? Have you ever felt like you are plugging away at something never reaching the finish line? I'm sure we've all felt this way during one time or another. Let me give you the best piece of advice I've ever received. Write about it. If you've had a rough day and you're ticked off at the world, write about it. If today has been the most depressing day of your life, write about it. Or if you've just been given the most exciting news in the world, write about it.
As writers, our emotions often come across in our work. But that's important. It's important that our characters feel and show emotional range. That way our beloved readers can relate.
I don't know about you guys, but I can't get into books where I can't relate to the characters or fell them at some point.
"Write about it." ~ Amy Ferrell
Enough said...
As writers, our emotions often come across in our work. But that's important. It's important that our characters feel and show emotional range. That way our beloved readers can relate.
I don't know about you guys, but I can't get into books where I can't relate to the characters or fell them at some point.
"Write about it." ~ Amy Ferrell
Enough said...
Her LAST and FINAL Sacrifice..
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7:03 AM
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Do you ever feel it?? Yeah, you know what I mean. When a book is so good, you go back and read it a million times because you can't bear to tear yourself away from that world. The world the author has created..
That's what it felt like for me, when I read Richelle Mead's VA series.. I feel so
in love with the series that I could tear myself away from it. I re-read the first five books in the series at least a dozen times.. Until finally, the Last one was upon us, bringing this imaginative, and brilliant series to a close.
I'm one of those people that doesn't take good things coming to an end to well. I wept when I read the final Harry Potter novel. But, through the years I've learned that all great things have to eventually come to end. But... That's what makes them so great.
Last Sacrifice is about Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice. Now, with Rose on trial for her life and Lissa first in line for the Royal Throne, nothing will ever be the same between them.(from goodreads)
Without giving away any spoilers, I have to say this book will make you laugh, cry, and make your heart melt... I urge you to pick it up! You will not be disappointed!
This was a spectacular finale to a stellar series! I can't wait to see what Richelle has for us in the future!
That's what it felt like for me, when I read Richelle Mead's VA series.. I feel so
in love with the series that I could tear myself away from it. I re-read the first five books in the series at least a dozen times.. Until finally, the Last one was upon us, bringing this imaginative, and brilliant series to a close.
I'm one of those people that doesn't take good things coming to an end to well. I wept when I read the final Harry Potter novel. But, through the years I've learned that all great things have to eventually come to end. But... That's what makes them so great.
Last Sacrifice is about Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice. Now, with Rose on trial for her life and Lissa first in line for the Royal Throne, nothing will ever be the same between them.(from goodreads)
Without giving away any spoilers, I have to say this book will make you laugh, cry, and make your heart melt... I urge you to pick it up! You will not be disappointed!
This was a spectacular finale to a stellar series! I can't wait to see what Richelle has for us in the future!
Video Killed The Radio Star...
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7:11 AM
Monday, December 6, 2010
Well hello there, lovely blog readers. I hope all of you had a fantastic weekend and are kicking your Monday off with a bang. Or, if you're like me and Monday is your least favorite day of the week, hopefully you're making your way through it with a positive attitude.
The Book of the week this week is Across The Universe by: Beth Revis. What originally drew me into this book was the cover. The cover is beautifully done and I hear the book is just as beautiful as the cover.
Secondly, I wanted to announce that I will be appearing on two radio shows this week, talking about Love Sucks.. So if you've read Love Sucks and or want to read Love Sucks, tune into Blog talk radio with Franny Armstrong tomorrow night at 9p.m
eastern standard time. Or Wednesday on the Artist First Radio Network at 7 p.m...
The Book of the week this week is Across The Universe by: Beth Revis. What originally drew me into this book was the cover. The cover is beautifully done and I hear the book is just as beautiful as the cover.
Secondly, I wanted to announce that I will be appearing on two radio shows this week, talking about Love Sucks.. So if you've read Love Sucks and or want to read Love Sucks, tune into Blog talk radio with Franny Armstrong tomorrow night at 9p.m
eastern standard time. Or Wednesday on the Artist First Radio Network at 7 p.m...
There's An Angel Among Us...
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6:49 AM
Friday, December 3, 2010
This week's quote of the week, comes from a book I just finished reading.. Honestly,
I can't shut up about this book or stress how fantastic it is.
Ashes to Angels is a love story told as a horror story and a horror story told as a love story, Ashes to Angels is as raw and edgy as the hipster characters whose blended voices color much of the ink like a literary tattoo.
Auryn, an angel, cuts off her wings - with scissors - in an ill-advised deal made with her demon twin sister looking for bail out of hell. Auryn falls out of the sky to earth, where she falls for Asher, failed artist. This is the story of the evolution and dissolution - a vicarious nuclear catastrophe - of their bizarre relationship: angel falls for atheist, poet steals from his own Muse, mortal rapes a supernatural, immortal commits suicide.As a paranormal dark romance, it makes subversive comment in poetic meditation on the impossibilities of love, the most lethal threat to human existence.
Now, I usually only read and write YA books.. But I'm a sucker for any kind of book involving a forbidden love affair...
Before Romeo and Juliet, there was Tristan and Isolde, and before Tristan and Isolde, there was Asher and Auryn. ~ Natalie McCollum author of Ashes to Angels.
I can't shut up about this book or stress how fantastic it is.
Ashes to Angels is a love story told as a horror story and a horror story told as a love story, Ashes to Angels is as raw and edgy as the hipster characters whose blended voices color much of the ink like a literary tattoo.
Auryn, an angel, cuts off her wings - with scissors - in an ill-advised deal made with her demon twin sister looking for bail out of hell. Auryn falls out of the sky to earth, where she falls for Asher, failed artist. This is the story of the evolution and dissolution - a vicarious nuclear catastrophe - of their bizarre relationship: angel falls for atheist, poet steals from his own Muse, mortal rapes a supernatural, immortal commits suicide.As a paranormal dark romance, it makes subversive comment in poetic meditation on the impossibilities of love, the most lethal threat to human existence.
Now, I usually only read and write YA books.. But I'm a sucker for any kind of book involving a forbidden love affair...
Before Romeo and Juliet, there was Tristan and Isolde, and before Tristan and Isolde, there was Asher and Auryn. ~ Natalie McCollum author of Ashes to Angels.
Don't Quit Your Dayjob....
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7:19 AM
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Don't quit your dayjob... That's a phrase I actually find comical..Do you how many times writers hear this? I could put together at least five books everytime someone has said this to me..
The funny thing is, is that if I didn't hear people telling me this, I probably wouldn't have pushed myself as hard as I have. It's funny how a little bit of negativity works.
I set out to prove that no matter what anyone thinks, I do have the drive and determination to succeed and for my young age, have done so thus far.
In a way, I think most of the people with negative attitudes should be thanked..
Why? Because they are the ones who sit there and drown in their own pessimistic ways while the positive people with focus outshine them.
Sure the literay industry is a tough one to crack. That's just being realistic. But we as humans are unique individuals, who are capable of anything.. Never give up,
never suurender... Those are the two things I've told myself over the last five years and I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without them.. Live your dreams, don't let negativity ruin you... That's just how I roll.
The funny thing is, is that if I didn't hear people telling me this, I probably wouldn't have pushed myself as hard as I have. It's funny how a little bit of negativity works.
I set out to prove that no matter what anyone thinks, I do have the drive and determination to succeed and for my young age, have done so thus far.
In a way, I think most of the people with negative attitudes should be thanked..
Why? Because they are the ones who sit there and drown in their own pessimistic ways while the positive people with focus outshine them.
Sure the literay industry is a tough one to crack. That's just being realistic. But we as humans are unique individuals, who are capable of anything.. Never give up,
never suurender... Those are the two things I've told myself over the last five years and I wouldn't have gotten anywhere without them.. Live your dreams, don't let negativity ruin you... That's just how I roll.
Writing Wednesday..
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6:17 AM
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thing have been a lil complicated around here lately so I haven't had very much time to write lately. You ever feel like you have to take that much needed vacation? I know I did. But I found that the best thing for you when it comes to honing your craft is to take a step back, breathe. And maybe take a break for a few days.. Seriously, it works.
Today I feel refreshed, free, and focused. And believe me when I say this, the creative juices are flowing.
Secondly, the month of November has come to an end so that means NaNoWrImO is over.
:( Hopefully you all got a lot accomplished with your writing.
Today I feel refreshed, free, and focused. And believe me when I say this, the creative juices are flowing.
Secondly, the month of November has come to an end so that means NaNoWrImO is over.
:( Hopefully you all got a lot accomplished with your writing.
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I treat others how I would want to be treated.
I love a good book more than anything else.
I'm overly enthusiastic.
I prefer to think about the positive things in life instead of the negative.
I'm extremely loyal.
I dislike liars. (strongly) Honesty is always the best policy.
I love old movies.
I love a good book more than anything else.
I'm overly enthusiastic.
I prefer to think about the positive things in life instead of the negative.
I'm extremely loyal.
I dislike liars. (strongly) Honesty is always the best policy.
I love old movies.
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