Literary Agents: Friends Or Foes...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Let's face it writers, we can't get anywhere without Literary Agents, and if we do, the road to publication is much harder. And it also lasts a lot longer. So this is where the debate comes in. I've met a handful of writer's that curse them, saying they don't need them to get to where they need to be. The reality of it all is yes, you do. They have all the insights to perfecting your writing, they know all the publishing houses,they know how to make you a better writer in general. They help polish your work until it shines. The thing that bothers me, is that a lot of writers can be bitter over those rejection letters. Do you realize they recieve hundred of them on a daily basis? If you put yourself in their shoes, think about it, you can only pick a few of those letters than you find interesting to pursue. For me, that would be extremely difficult. Hang in there. There are hundreds of agents out there. You'll find the right one. In conclusion, literary agents are my friends. I'm not bitter, I realize their job isn't easy. Plus without them, you have to figure, how many of you favorite books would still be sitting on a computer screen?

So, what's your opinion? Friend or Foe?


  1. I would have to say first that it all depends on the agent. Not every agents is going to know all the publishing houses or be able to perfect your writing. I think the editor is the one that makes you a better writer in general.
    I do agree that lots of writers need to get thicker skin when it comes to the rejection game though. Part of a writers life (most anyways) is getting rejected. over and over again.
    I think agents are awsome and am not bitter. But I do think it shouldn't come down to having to have one to get into the business. It's a pro and cons thing no one ever wins.

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