The insane ramblings of Lauren Hammond, a YA book author and literary agent.
Seriously.... What Is Your Problem?
I'm the type of person that tries to enforce positivity all the time and in a world full of more negative people than positive people, sometimes that is a difficult task.
Last night I was on the phone with a friend of mine and he was talking to me about an article he was reading and asked me if I'd ever heard of the author... After he mentioned their name, I was like sure.... who hasn't everybody knows who they are..
Then.... he read me the article.
And my mouth dropped open.
Now, I may take things differently than others, but I felt that the article was bitter, nasty, and insulting.
I'm also a firm believer in expressing your own opinion, (whatever it may be) but, it should be done professionally and mannerly.
If I don't like something I'm not going to spout off and insult the person who wrote it. I'd simply say this wasn't for me and move on.
But some people to take it to another level and that's what really ticks me off.
I respect that each writer is on their own path. I respect the fact that each one of them are in different stages of their career. And I respect and admire the fact they poured their blood, sweat, and (if you're like me) tears into their piece of their literary art work. Lastly, what I admire most, is that no two writers are alike.
Maybe they just need a little extra help. Maybe they need someone to believe in them. That's what we, as literary professionals should be doing...
Helping them... Believing in them.
We shouldn't be beating them down. We shouldn't be insulting them. Nobody grows from that... All you get is more negativity, bitterness, and hatred.
Some people tell me, when I hear of articles like the one I heard last night, I should just ignore them.... For someone like me, who is extremely opinionated that's not an easy task.
I know negative reviews and feedback are part of the literary world. Believe me, I know this firsthand, but there are ways to speak your mind and do it with some decency.
After all, if their allowed to flaunt their negativity, why can't I do the opposite and flaunt my positivity?
If you ask me, more people should.
And that's how I roll.
Famished Giveaway Winners!!!
So today I'm going to announce the winners of Famished giveaway!
But first... Famished is now available on goodreads as an ebook.
And it is also available on Amazon!
And the winners are....
ebook copy~ Darlene!
And paperback ARC~ Regina! Yay! Congrats guys!
Famished Release Day & Borders Bonanza!!!!!!
So the day has finally arrived!!!! And let me just say that is has been crazy!!!
But it's official Famished has been released, yay!!!!
Tomorrow I'll be announcing the winners of the Famished giveaway!
There is no United States. There is no world. An asteroid has destroyed what the human race knew as earth and The Great Famine has wiped out most of the surviving human population. For the few remaining survivors, food is scarce-- precious--a luxury. A luxury that most humans can’t find.
Seventeen year old Georgina Carver is fortunate. She’s survived the destruction. She eats three times a day while the rest of humanity is plagued by The Great Famine. And she’s safe, hidden away in an underground colony with her family and several other families of survivors.
All of that changes the day she’s randomly selected to be a gatherer. Georgina must leave her safe yet simple world and venture out into a world unknown. A vast, dangerous, destroyed world that could literally eat her alive.
After Georgina is severely injured, her life begins to fall apart. She can’t remember how she got home or what happened to her while she was on the new earth. The boy she is crushing on avoids her and she keeps having visions that involve an unknown person with violet eyes.
As Georgina begins to unravel the truth, it doesn’t take her long to figure out that maybe her safe yet simple life isn’t that safe at all.
I did something a little different with Famished...
In the back of the book, are summaries and the first three pages of my next two novels. I thought that would be really cool... And unique.
Famished is available in ebook and paperback formats.
Ebook price~ 1.50 Paperback 9.99
Currently you can find the ebook on Barnes & Noble for the Nook. On Smashwords and Tomorrow morning on for the Kindle.
The paperback version will be out next week and available pretty much everywhere! YaY!
And now for the sad part Borders. :(
It's the only bookstore in my area. (B&N is 30 mins away.) And I felt like crying as walked through the store and noticed the empty cafe and half-full bookselves.
But.... Despite my depressed feeling, I did buy some pretty amazing books. And I'm hoping to get some more before the store shuts down.**Tear** Here's what I got....
1. The Fat Girl by: Marilyn Sachs(This is the one I'm currently reading.)
2. XVI by: Julia Karr ( I have heard nothing but great things about this one!)
3. The Goddess Test by: Aimee Carter (Where are all of my mythological re-telling lovers? I hope this doesn't disappoint!)
4. Rumors by: Anna Gobbersen (Yeah, I'm going to totally admit that I bought this book for the cover, but.... It sounds like a great read too!)
Check out Famished and some more of the awesome books I found!
Hungry. Why Wait?
Happy Friday Readers!
Today I'm posting a review for Meg Cabot's book, Insatiable.
Sick of hearing about vampires? So is Meena Harper.
But her bosses are making her write about them anyway, even though Meena doesn't believe in them.
Not that Meena isn't familiar with the supernatural. See, Meena Harper knows how you're going to die. (Not that you're going to believe her. No one ever does.)
But not even Meena's precognition can prepare her for what happens when she meets—then makes the mistake of falling in love with—Lucien Antonescu, a modern-day prince with a bit of a dark side. It's a dark side a lot of people, like an ancient society of vampire hunters, would prefer to see him dead for.
The problem is, Lucien's already dead. Maybe that's why he's the first guy Meena's ever met whom she could see herself having a future with. See, while Meena's always been able to see everyone else's future, she's never been able look into her own.
And while Lucien seems like everything Meena has ever dreamed of in a boyfriend, he might turn out to be more like a nightmare.
Now might be a good time for Meena to start learning to predict her own future. . . .
If she even has one. (summary from goodreads)
This was an enjoyable read. You know me, I love any kind of book that has anything to do with vampires. Meena was an interesting character, I was drawn to her immediately. In the beginning, the book moved kind of slow for me, but eventually it picked up the pace and I found myself tearing through page after page, not wanting to put it down.
If you love vamps as much as I do pick up this book!
Famished Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Aftermath
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
Vivid flashbacks of the day the asteroid hit had always
haunted me. Not only because the asteroid demolished the
world I knew, but because it led to The Great Famine, a
deceitful murderer ten times worse than the asteroid itself.
Two things had circled around my mind in constant
rotation when I thought about my last day on the earth I
knew. The loud, deafening cry my mother let out, when the
leader of our nation made the announcement that we were
all doomed. And the actual sight of the asteroid, with the
circumference of a small strip mall, when it breached our
atmosphere. It blazed bright orange and muted yellows
flames trailed behind it as it sailed across the powdery blue
Plopping down on my porch swing that day, I
marveled at the asteroid. My mouth had dropped open and
I kept my eyes on the cratered monstrosity, lost in a trance
as it passed over my house. Even though I knew the
amount of destruction the asteroid would cause, I still
found it beautiful. The bright colors reminded me of a
brilliant display of fireworks shot off on the Fourth of July.
Our neighborhood was like an intersection in an
overpopulated city. People were frantic, running from their
houses to their cars, grabbing everything they could. Police
officers were parked in between the cluster of people and
cars, shouting from megaphones, blaring their sirens, and
shooting off rounds of bullets into the air, trying to take
control of the situation. But it didn't matter, because
nothing they did worked.
One of the men in the street clubbed a police officer
on the side of the head with a baseball bat. Then, the people
who didn't have cars trampled all over the poor police
officer, trying to evacuate. Terrifying screams played out
like a song on the radio. And in just seconds, the amount of
people in the street doubled.
My parents didn't panic like all of our other
neighbors. Yes, my mother had been startled and yes, she
had screamed. But my parents were focused and set a plan
in motion. Only seconds after the President finished his
speech, my father was out the back door in a flash with a
shovel in his hand.
I'd glanced at my mother, confused. "Where is he
"To build our new home," she answered solemnly.
"Where at?" The President had informed us that the
asteroid would have breached our atmosphere in six hours.
As I watched more of our neighbors flee, I'd
squinted, puzzled as to why they thought it was necessary
to shout and carry on like escapees from a mental
institution. Did they think panicking was going to help
their situation? Would spouting off like lunatics save them?
Now, as I looked back on that day, I understood.
Nobody expected a global apocalypse. Nobody
expected a massive ball of molten, burning rock to fall
from the heavens and disintegrate anything and everything
we knew. And most of all, nobody expected The Great
Famine to sneak in, like a thief in the night and leave the
remainder of the human population, starving and mad.
Everything had been wiped out. All of the houses,
buildings, and skyscrapers, that were once carefully crafted
wonders had become heaped over piles of rubble. Cars
spontaneously combusted as a result of too much
radioactivity. Plants died from the earth's soil being
tainted. And shortly after that, the animals died, leaving
what was left of the human population to rot from the
outside in.
At the time, I'd thought people would have been
more educated on what to do if a catastrophe struck. But
people weren't educated. And because they weren't
educated, they weren't prepared. They were ignorant. Now,
two and a half years into The Great Famine, everyone is
hopeless and lost, left to fend for themselves.
The following two months after the asteroid hit
were dismal and depressing. My father had constructed this
tiny underground home for us, but it wasn't completed and
we spent most of our time huddled together, wearing
surgical masks, and going without food for days at a time.
Honestly, thinking back, if we would have continued on
like that, I was certain that within a few months, our
carcasses would have been rotting on the side of the road
with most of the other survivors.
The name of the state I used to live in was
Nebraska. And the city used to be Lincoln, the capitol.
Now it was nothing. There were only fourteen surviving
families left. Fifteen if you counted mine.
It had been a long time since I breached the surface
of the world above. My parents wouldn't allow it. So, as far
as I knew, the survivors that remained were savages. I'd
seen a few things while our colony was being built, and
most of the inhabitants left ran wildly through the bare,
desert terrain, filth covering them from head to toe, bones
protruding through their leathery skin, foam dripping from
their mouths in search of one thing…
A high pitched squeal pulled me from my thoughts.
My time reminiscing about the past was over the
second my kid sister, Frankie waltzed through the door. I
rolled over on my cot as she plopped down next to me,
sitting Indian style on the concrete floor. "What's up,
"Were you sleeping?" Frankie was short for
Francesca. The name suited her. She was a short, petite
brunette that made the word enthusiastic seem like an
I propped my head up. "No," I commented. "I'm
just thinking."
She raised an eyebrow. "Thinking? About what?"
I let out a long winded sigh. "I don't know, Frankie,
just things." I didn't feel like elaborating.
Suddenly, Frankie, shot up off the floor like a
cannonball barreling out of a cannon. I flung myself
backwards startled by her spontaneous gesture. "Did Mom
let you have coffee today?" I inquired. She was hyper by
nature. She didn't need the added caffeine.
Frankie paced back and forth across the small room,
then giddily clapped her hands. "No," she squealed. "But I
have the most exciting news!"
I waited for her to go on with the story. "Well,
come on. Spit it out."
She stopped pacing, faced me and giggled out in
delight. "We're all being invited to the council meeting
tomorrow!" She went on. "Can you believe it? After all this
time we are finally going to see what goes on inside of a
council meeting!"
I nodded. "Yeah."
Four months after the apocalypse we banded
together with the fourteen other families. The members
helped my father expand our underground home into a
colony, with tunnels that led to each family's household.
Shortly after that, they formed our colony council.
Once a week, the heads of each household met for a
council meeting. Only the heads of each household
attended the meetings. They never invited any family
members. So I found it odd that were inviting everyone
There were a number of reasons why the families
could be invited. They may have learned of some
advancement on new earth. Maybe there were less toxins in
the air now. Or they could be calling us in to give us some
bad news. That maybe our food supply was running low or
that they caught someone committing a crime. My gut told
me, whatever the council was planning, wasn't necessarily
good. I sat up some. "Where did you hear about the
families being invited?"
"I overheard Dad talking to Mr. Baker."
My father's involvement in the council worried me.
He was so kind, trusting, and easily impressionable. I
scowled at the idea of a weasel like Mr. Baker, a man who
was always sneaking around, planting some stupid idea
into his head. My father wasn't a natural leader but, he did
start this colony so he had to be included. I crossed my
legs. "Well, what else did he say?"
Frankie cocked her head to the side. "That's all I
really got. Dad said and I quote, 'we'll have to invite all of
the family members.'"
Seconds later my mother strolled into our room.
"Dinner is in ten minutes." She turned to leave.
Then I got up from the bed. "Mom, wait!"
My mother stopped, turned around and faced me
and Frankie. "What is it, dear?"
I spoke up. "Frankie heard something about the
families being invited to a council meeting."
My mother turned away from me, looking sternly at
Frankie. "Francesca, were you eavesdropping again?"
Spots of pink appeared on Frankie's ivory cheeks.
She stepped backwards, glancing between me and
Frankie. "Well, as far as I know, the topic is all really hush-
hush. But yes the families are being invited to the council
meeting tomorrow."
I narrowed my eyes. "And you swear, you have no
idea what for?" Even though she said she didn't know, I
knew sometimes she lied about certain things. She said she
did it to protect us.
She made an x across her heart. "Sweetheart, I
swear. I have no idea."
My mother turned to leave, giving Frankie another
hard look. "Francesca, you better start minding your own
business or I'm going to have to lock you in this room. You
hear me!"
Frankie rolled her eyes. "Yes, mother." Frankie
glanced at me as my mother walked out of the room. "How
is she going to lock me in? We don't even have a door."
"Believe me," I harrumphed. "She would find a way.
* * *
On the way to the mess hall, I brushed passed
MayVickers. "Sorry, May!" I shouted apologetically.
May kept her eyes on the floor, lost in a trance and
didn't look up. She hadn't been the same since her
daughter, Monica disappeared.
The council had set up some rules for the rest of the
colonists to follow. They maintained their importance
because it made our new life underground operate
Rule number one: You could not steal another colonist's food.
Our supplies underground were limited and
greediness was not tolerated. In fact, if you were caught
stealing, the punishment was severe. First, you were kept in
solitary confinement in a little room called the hole. You
had to stay in that hole, submerged in complete darkness
without food or water for three days. The punishment was
created to remind the guilty party what life outside of our
little world was like.
Second, after you were pulled out of the hole, you
were given lashings. One for each item that you stole.
Dylan Edwards once stole three eggs from the Baker
family. After he received his punishment, he lifted his shirt
to show me the deeply rooted lashing marks that stretched
horizontally across his back. As I fanned my fingers across
his scarred flesh, I shuddered. There was no way in hell I
was stealing anyone's food.
Rule number two: You could not, under any circumstances, leave the colony and venture out into what remained of earth unless instructed.
Monica Vickers disappeared about six months ago.
I was told that her curiosity was eating her alive. That she
was so desperate to peak outside that she just left our
world, never looking back.
Every week, gatherers were sent out in search of
supplies. That was different. They were given permission
to leave. But if anyone was like Monica and just wanted to
see what was out there, well, they should have seriously
considered digging themselves an early grave.
A twinge of remorse struck my heart whenever I
saw May, wandering around like a lost soul. But these rules
were made for a reason. They had to be followed. There
could be no exceptions because with exceptions came
And finally…..
Rule number three: You could not give food to outsiders.
Yes, there were outsiders. Mostly people that
traveled from other cities and states in hopes of finding
some kind of rescue or refuge. Sometimes, it bothered me
that we never invited them in. "You'd better erase that
thought from your mind, Georgina Carver!" my mother
would say. "Food is scarce and we have too many mouths
to feed as it is!"
"But, what if they need help?"
"They could be cannibals. We can't risk it!"
I didn't bring up the subject of outsiders too often.
It wasn't a subject my mother or anyone else liked to talk
about. And the punishment for feeding an outsider was….
Well, I honestly never knew because no one had
ever done it.
The members of the council made it perfectly clear
that if we were caught feeding an outsider, the punishment
would be more severe than any of us just stealing food. I
don't think anyone needed them to elaborate. Fear was
already instilled us after we saw Dylan Edwards being
whipped. Nobody wanted to experience a punishment
worse than that.
I caught up with my father as he walked down the
wide, muddy corridor with Mr. Baker. I reached out,
tugging on his arm. "Daddy."
He waved goodbye to Mr. Baker and wrapped his
arm around my shoulder. "What is it, Georgie?"
I pulled away from him, lacing my arm through his.
"What can you tell me about this meeting?"
He craned his head around, looking behind us.
"Where's Frankie?"
"There's no point, Dad. Mom already yelled at her."
"I've got to start looking out for her and learn to
watch what I say when she's around."
Frankie was one of those kids that was like a talking
parrot. She couldn't keep a secret. And if she was in
hearing range of your conversation, she would repeat
whatever you said.
She was five years young than me. One time, when
I was thirteen and she was eight I accidentally screamed the
word "bitch." She heard me say it and even though I asked
her not to say anything, she ran around the house for the
next two days shouting the word. Naturally, my parents
found out she heard it from me and I was grounded for a
week. I learned to keep my lips tight around her from that
moment on.
My father and I made a left turn, walking into the
mess hall. I unlaced my arm from his and stepped away.
"So, are you going to tell me more about this meeting?"
He placed both of his hands on my shoulders.
"Honey, I wish I could but you know I've taken a vow of
silence when it comes to the council. I can't talk about
what goes on in the meetings outside of them."
"Did Mr. Baker put you up to this? Why do you
always do everything he says?" It bothered me that my
father started this colony and Mr. Baker pretty much ran it.
There was something sinister about him that made my
insides churn when I thought about his fake, gap-toothed
smile. It was a smile that said, "I know something you
"Georgina, this has nothing to do with Mark. I'm
telling you, I took a vow and I will not break it. You need
to learn to respect that."
I pushed his hands off of my shoulders. "It's not
fair!" I protested. "You people keep us out of the loop for
all of this time, now suddenly you want us involved!" I was
more confident than ever that this meeting was going to be
bad. And more than anything, I felt betrayed. Council or not, my father was my father. And if he knew something awful was going to go down he should have told me.
He sighed. "Georgie, don't act like this. You know I want to tell you. I just can't compromise my position."
"Your position as what? A council member or my father?"
Storming off, I ignored him as he continued to call out my name. At the moment, I wished that whole council would disband. Then maybe my father would put his priorities as a parent above his priorities as a council member.
Famished... Chapter 1!!! YAY!

Hey everybody!!!
I'm so excited that I get to share Chapter 1 of Famished, the first book in my dystopian trilogy, The Wasted Series.
You can read Chapter One...In the Post Below this one!!! YaY!
(Please excuse the format of the last page)
Also don't forget to enter the Famished Book giveaway! The guidelines are pasted below!
1. Add Famished on goodreads.
2. Follow this blog.
3. Follow me on twitter @novelistlauren.
4. In the comment section, list your favorite dystopian book and tell me why you loved it.
The contest ends on Monday July 25,2011.
Famished Chapter One and Giveaway!
Happy Wednesday Readers!
TodayI'm super excited to share with you the first chapter in my YA dystopian, Famished. It releases Tuesday, July 26,2011! So excited!
Secondly I'm excited to announce the Famished Book Giveaway! YAY! The contest begins today and here's how it works. I'm giving away one ebook copy and one paperback. In order to be entered in the giveaway this is what you have to do.
1. Add Famished on Goodreads.
2. Follow this blog.
3. Follow me on twitter @novelistlauren.
4. In the comment section, list your favorite dystopian book and tell me why you loved it.
The contest ends on Monday July 25,2011.
A Book A Day... Keeps the Doctor Away!
Happy Friday Readers!
Today, I thought we'd talk about the releases of novels you literally can't wait for.
With so many fantastic books coming out everyday, honestly, my TBR list keeps growing and growing. This morning I turned to my DH and whined, "I want some more books!"
The fact is, if I went to my local borders right now, I'd probably walk out with a huge bag and probably would've spent at least a few hundred dollars.
But.... Here are the books I'm highly anticipating the release of....
1. Pandemonuim by: Lauren Oliver. (Have you seen the cover?? Gorgeous!)
2. Destined by: Jessie Harrell. (Nobody loves re-tellings of Greek myths more than me.)
3. Fever by: Lauren DeStefano. (Wither captivated me.)
Those are just my top three! The list goes on and on! So now it's your turn!
What are some of the top reads you can't wait for? I'm anxious to hear them!
Have a good weekend!
Do You Ever Feel Lost?
Whenever I think about my career I think about conversation I had with my mother about it.
"Laur," she began, "Why did you pick such a hard field to succeed in? Don't you realize that trying to make it as a writer is tough? It's like the luck of the draw."
I laughed. "Nah, Mom, I make my own luck."
You know, she brings this up with me all the time. She just doesn't get it. Yes, it's hard being a writer. And even though we work our asses off, (writing, editing, revisions, etc) it's an uphill struggle to get where we want to be.
To do what my mom says, and just throw in the towel because its too hard or takes too much time to get somehwere is ridiculous.( I love you, Mom.) But it's ridiculous.
Giving up is much easier than sticking it out and fighting.
I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather be a fighter.
It's Vlog time!!!!!
Hello Readers!
So today, I'm posting my very first blog post!
I was super nervous, but now you'll be able to listen to part of the first chapter of Famished, the first book in The Wasted Series...
I hope you guys enjoy it!
Famished~ You Are What You Eat~
I hope everyone is having a terrific Tuesday!!!!
I'm super excited to be able to show you guys the book trailer for FAMISHED!!!! EEK!
Tomorrow, I'll be posting my very first vlog! YaY! I'll be reading a snippet from Famished... Please be aware that I was extremely nervous because I've never done a vlog post before LOL.
Also, on Thursday at 8pm, if you can make it, stop by and live chat with me on YA Bound Blog.
Monday July 25th I'll be hosting a giveaway! The winner will receive a copy of Famished in either paperback or ebook(winners choice!)And swag!
And... You can now add Famished on Goodreads... So check it out!
Hope you enjoy the trailer!
Either Way... Love Kills.

Happy Monday readers!
Today we can complete the top 10 reads of 2011 countdown... YaY!!!!
Now, this book is without a doubt one of my favorite all-time reads. In fact, I've blabbed to numerous people, telling them YOU HAVE TO READ THIS.... IT'S AMAZING!
And I truly feel that way.
I was hooked from the first page, completely swept up in the story, and balled my eyes out when I read the last page... I even picked up the book again and read it several more times because I was so infatuated.
I caught it. Yes, I caught deliria nervosa and that's why Delirium by Lauren Oliver is #1 on this list.
There literally aren't enough adjectives to describe the way this book made me feel. I can't imagine a world without love. And Lena & Alex's relationship made root for them from beginning to end.
Most of you have probably read Delirium and if you haven't... What in the heck are you waiting for?
Love. The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both when you have it and
when you don’t. ~ Lauren Oliver
I have some awesome news to share with you!
First.... If you haven't read my novel, Love Sucks, you can win it! Visit Katie Lear's blog for a chance to win Love Sucks and a ton of other great books!
Second.. You can catch me Thursday On YA Bound Blog doing a live chat to celebrate the release of my YA Dystopian novel, Famished. The chat starts at 8pm. I hope to see some of you there!
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
Writing Wednesday..
Hi Readers!
Today I'm taking a break from the top ten reads countdown(and BTW we only have two books left on it! Squeals!)and I'm going to talk about pulling out that inner masterpiece.
Personally, I'm a machine. And I say it all the time, I can crank out a novel in 3 weeks--4 weeks tops. But is it really finished after I've typed the last word on the keyboard? Nah.... I don't think so.
I really have to rack my brain to make certain that I've got the best possible piece of literary awesomeness and that might take me another few weeks to re-write, revise and allow the words to really flow.
Sometimes reading a book helps. Or listening to soothing music. Or even sitting alone in silence. When I'm by myself and the silence consumes me, that's when my creative gear kicks into over drive.
It's never smart to force the story out of your head. Whatever you decide to write should flow freely and come naturally. Because when you force your story out, in my opinion it ends up being sloppy.
What's the rush? Yes, the writing world is competitive. There's been two times already where I've written a book and surprise, surprise. Someone else has written a book along the similar lines. And I'll admit, in the beginning I was totally bummed about it. But...
In the end, whether their are similarities or not, what I, or you've written is going to be different because no two minds are alike.
So kick back, relax, and the let the words flow.

I don't know about all of you guys but, I've read the entire Vampire Diaries series and am a HUGE fan of the show.
L.J Smith created the tiny town of Fell's Church and on top of that, an epic love triangle that leaves most readers torn between two brothers. Stefan the good, or Damon the bad. Me... I love the bad. And that's why The Vampire Diaries: The Return- Midnight is number three on this list.
This book left me speechless at the end. And in my opinion, that's what a good book does. Your jaw hangs open and you're like wow, that was really amazing.
Sometimes, books don't always end how we want them to. But I will say that the world building, characters, and plot can make any lover of the written word gush about the novel, regardless of the ending.
L.J Smith is an amazing author and Midnight, has all of the above and more. I fell in love with everything about this series and this book was by far, my favorite!
If you are looking for a fang-banging good time! This is the book for you!
I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July!

So today, I thought I'd take a little moment to share something with all of you. I've been holding this is for a while... but I can't any longer... Seriously. I'm bursting at the seams!!!
I'm grinning from ear to ear... my fingers are trembling .... I'm jumping up and down with excitement....
All right. All right. I know, get to the point already, right?
This year, I have a total of 11 books coming out. Maybe even more, who knows? all novels are coming out from publishers in 2011-2012. Sooooo. The first one is coming out rather quickly and I wanted to be able to show you all my book cover! Squeals!
Honestly,I think it's amazing!
Let me know your thoughts!
And I'll be doing my first vlog soon! Yikes! Where I'll be reading the first chapter of.... Famished.... And it's coming out as an ebook and paperback at the end of the month!
I'm also trying something different with Famished... And I think it's going to pretty cool because I don't know of anybody else who's ever done it.. :)
Seriously... sooo excited over here. You all are amazing people and I feel so lucky and blessed that I get to share this with you!
Happy 4th! Hope you have a nice holiday!
Check out this awesome project!
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~Touch of Death~
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Blog Archive
- Seriously.... What Is Your Problem?
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- Hungry. Why Wait?
- Famished Chapter 1
- Famished... Chapter 1!!! YAY!
- Famished Chapter One and Giveaway!
- A Book A Day... Keeps the Doctor Away!
- Do You Ever Feel Lost?
- It's Vlog time!!!!!
- Famished~ You Are What You Eat~
- Either Way... Love Kills.
- Awesomeness!!!!!
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I love a good book more than anything else.
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I prefer to think about the positive things in life instead of the negative.
I'm extremely loyal.
I dislike liars. (strongly) Honesty is always the best policy.
I love old movies.
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Blog Archive
- Seriously.... What Is Your Problem?
- Famished Giveaway Winners!!!
- Famished Release Day & Borders Bonanza!!!!!!
- Hungry. Why Wait?
- Famished Chapter 1
- Famished... Chapter 1!!! YAY!
- Famished Chapter One and Giveaway!
- A Book A Day... Keeps the Doctor Away!
- Do You Ever Feel Lost?
- It's Vlog time!!!!!
- Famished~ You Are What You Eat~
- Either Way... Love Kills.
- Awesomeness!!!!!
- Writing Wednesday..
- Midnight....
- YAY!!!!